The Bauble Pile

This is Lale Baize aka Coco Reed, writer and once co-author of Gamble with Fate. As of now, this is the first step to putting my goodies back online. Stay for a bit and enjoy what you find.

Happy New Year!

S Novym Godom! <-- That's me saying Happy New Year in Russian, but with English-speakers in mind. :P

Hey look! I updated before the end of the year! Huzzah!

I am getting a lot of editing done. Woo! I'm going to be writing too, as soon as I update this and my lj, if it lets me on. Mayhaps the coming year will be awesome and productive since I am being awesome and somewhat productive right now.

See you guys on the flip-side!

The End

2011 is nearly over! What do I have to show for it? Well, not too much...but I did get a few things done. However, I need to get my booty in gear on quite a few things. Which brings me to my point of this entry.

Things Getting Done:

 - AIF is about complete on Fiction Press. I will leave it up until it is published, I think. The new edition is going to be off the chain. New title, new content--wow, guys, this is becoming what I had always envisioned. The new title is something I've mentioned before, but this is the first time telling of new content. Whole new chapters, filled in plot-holes and more interaction. Seriously, when this is published fans should definitely procure a copy.

- Almost all of the Lyre Westreach stories have been edited for upload onto Adult Fan Fiction, just need to upload... Speaking of Westreach, a new story will be added that wasn't on GWF. Personally, it's my favourite and I think harkens back to my earlier stories of him when he was darker and not just Demian's sugar daddy.

- I'm picking At Life's End back up, finally. For those that don't remember, sorry. I only uploaded one or two chapters of it. It's a shape-shifter story. Anyway, I'm writing on that, will finish and send off to query.

- Trivial Visions, sequel to AIF, will be finished and sent off to query. I think I'll release a sample chapter sometime, but it will be further down the road in 2012, maybe even 2013, depending on how the next year treats me. Here's hoping it's kind! *fingers crossed*

- Blood Pudding should be getting written on. Hopefully I can finish this. Maybe I need to watch some K-Drama to get me in the mood...

- World Weaver is back under the knife. I'm coming at it with a different approach this time. Thanks to people like Stephenie Meyer and the Casts, any love I may have had for teenage heroines has died of vampire-inflicted VD (seriously, this is one of many reasons why slash is more fulfilling for me to write.) Thanks. I think I am going to make it more steam punk. It makes since, considering Alistair and everything...

End list

I need to read some, write some and then perhaps I can publish some. :) If I don't write again in the week, see you all in the next year. :D

Yaya, It's December!

I don't really get why Livejournal keeps me from my blog, but whatever. I suppose that it's sort of good. Otherwise I couldn't be bothered to update this bitch. So what's going on with me? Well, I am editing and about finished with some test runs for one of my novels and it's ever closer to being ready to send in for a query. Woo! Oh, and as for free stuff, I am going to publish my Lyre Westreach stories online. Probably just on Adult Fan Fiction because they tend to border PWP. You guys know the drill, it's under "Coco Reed."

Giving It Up For Free

Wow, it's been awhile. Well, it's been longer than I usually like in between updates. I don't even have that cool of an excuse aside from the "Meh, I'll get on it" one. I will say, though, that I believe I am going to post the superhero story, called "A Shaky Peace," on my Fiction Press and Adult Fan Fiction accounts. It's not really anything I can publish at the moment. If I did, I'm thinking it would have to be rewritten so much that it would have a new plot and what not. So, yay for good reading online! For free! You can't beat that with a stick, guys. And anyway, you know the drill. I'd love to hear what you think of it--yadda yadda yadda. So, check there. It should be up soon. Like, real soon. I'm going to post it right after I finish this entry.


Huzzah and Oh, Happy Day!

If you haven't noticed, I've made a few changes. I almost gave up. This has a lame set-up. But I persevered and now this place is getting shnazzy! Maybe even someday it'll be as sparkly and awesome as Kim Hyun Joong--

So, as far as writing goes:
~ "A Shaky Peace" (the superhero romance) was too short to make the cut for the "anthology." It seriously is a novella. I'm going to send it anyway and see if anyone wants to make something of it. I hope so, because it's still an awesome idea.
~ I'm going to pull stories from Fiction Press soon. And I mean like yesterday. Why? Well, because I may have found a place that will take some of my harder work. *coughs*Blood Red Storm*coughs*
~ I've had more ideas. This shit's about to go off.

Word on the Latest

Is that title redundant? Meh, nevermind.

So anyways, it doesn't seem like a significant chunk, but the superhero idea is moving right along. I am a little perplexed though. The publishing place says this is going to be for an anthology come spring 2012, but the word count is 25,000 to 30,000 for the novellas. That's a big novella. Might as well just say they're novels. So I looked again on the page and it says these novellas will be released as ebooks and then in print a year later. If they're stand-alone, how is that an anthology? Well, I don't know... I'm just worried that this last bit of writing it needs won't break the minimum. If that's the case I'll work on it a bit more and try again, but not for a collection.

That's where I'm at right now. Exciting, eh?

Yay for Being Productive!

I'm trying to finish a novella for the as-of-now-untitled superhero romance anthology for Samhain Publishing. It's due by September 1st but I have completed the entire outline of the story and the main character backgrounds. Also, I am 5 pages in so it's coming right along. I hope to be done with this at least by Sunday so I can start chopping it up. Maybe SP will be into it. Who knows? But it's worth a shot.

They should like it. I've come up with a pretty BA story, if I do say so myself. Plus, it's not just a superhero story, it's a gay superhero story. Woot!

The Good Guys and the Bad Guys

In my searchings for The Place to submit some of my works, I came across one that seems like a winner at the moment. If they'll have me. *crosses fingers* Anyway, this place has a few rules like any other but one of them had me pulling back a bit. Every story must end happy or happy-for-now. My instincts were to recoil and look for somewhere else. Happy ending? Psh! But then I started thinking that yes I love when characters don't get everything handed to them or there are trials they have to go through, but I guess I do write a lot of happy endings it's just hell getting there.

I started thinking about the ideas I really love and why. Most of them don't end happily. But, to me, it couldn't have ended any other way. However, some of them would have been better if they would have ended a tad happy. I think a few stories would have been more gratifying if they had ended happier. I'll keep this in mind. But don't hold your breath. I still have CreateSpace. :P

Back From the Land of Chaos

Or Michigan. So I was gone for most of the month of July. Just got back this last Sunday. Weee!

My LiveJournal won't let me sign on, either the site or my connection. I'm blaming my lame connection. *shakes fist at Hughes Net* It's been like this since I got back, so I guess I'll be writing here a lot more. :)

I'm trying to get back in the groove of things--writing-wise. I didn't get anything fun like that done. I did read about six books while there though. Okay, I really don't want to sound like a tool, but, damn, my Kindle is the bomb. I couldn't very well lug around the Game of Thrones books could I? Speaking of, I put reading that on-hold. Lady Cat sucks and I do not even want to deal with her. Oddly enough, I traded off on reading between Michio Kaku and Josh Lanyon. What? Don't judge me!

So I'm thinking even just clacking away on this will help get me in the zone. It's helping. I don't feel like such a WOW zombie. Maybe after this I'll squeeze out a fan fic... Oh, speaking of, I stumbled across Transformer fan fiction. Slash. Sometimes with the pairing of Sam and Optimus Prime. Sometimes between the bots. See, and I thought Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles slash won for the most disturbing slash fan fic ideas I've ever seen. Nope.

What's in a Name

The more I think about it, the more I am leaning toward publishing stuffs, m/m or otherwise, under my real name. I mean, I like this name and all, it has sentimental attachments to it, but I think it'll just be a headache in the long-run publishing one story under one name and another story by a different one. Ugh. And anyway, it's not like I'm ashamed of my books, whatever genre they happen to fall under. I work my ass off for any idea and am proud of what I have created over the years, even the crap stories. Or whenever Lacey had me write for Demian. *shudders* Heh, no offense, Lacey.

It also has me feeling a bit like Dr. Jekyll. I don't know who I am anymore!! :P

However, saying that, I will still go by this name, since my readers know me by this one. I don't need to add to any confusion, do I?

"Jesus" Pronounced Backward Sounds a Lot Like "Sausage"

So, there is some exxxxxxciting stuff going on right now. Well, at least I think so. I'm finally getting off my bum and getting my whole CreateSpace thing up and running.


What does that mean? Well, for one thing, it means that AIF and all the other fun stuff is going to get pulled from Fiction Press soon. Also, that means I am going to have to seriously think of a new title for AIF, 'cause it doesn't make sense. Honestly, when I was writing the book I had had this whole scene in my head where something or other is likened to an indigo feather. And then I forgot what that something was, never to remember even an inkling of that thought, but never retitled the piece. Shhh, don't tell. Let them all think I was being artistically obscure. Or something.

I have some other ideas that I will be working on soon.

Fun times are ahead.


Hello all!

Just thought I'd tell everyone that, as of now, one can find some of my stories here: 'Cause I'm a dork and failed to mention that earlier...

ALSO, I have been looking around again on Createspace and what not and I don't think it is going to take me nearly as long as I thought to get things cooking on there. Which is sort of a big deal if I put An Indigo Feather up there. Just a friendly warning or something to readers.


Years ago, I joined with a writer that goes by the name Lacey Grey on her website Gamble With Fate. We specialized in stories featuring lgbt main characters. I had just entered the genre and was able to evolve my skills and turn out some pretty swell stories. Sadly, college caused both of us to go on hiatus and soon GWF was closed.

I am back. It has been long enough and I think this is as good a time as any to start up my original writing once again. What say you? Ready for the complete works such as Blood Red Storm, or more of the New Earth Series? How about more Lyre Westreach?

Be patient. I'm almost ready to begin again.

Happy reading,
Coco Reed