The Bauble Pile

This is Lale Baize aka Coco Reed, writer and once co-author of Gamble with Fate. As of now, this is the first step to putting my goodies back online. Stay for a bit and enjoy what you find.

All Right, Well, I Guess I'll Put My Things Here...


Hey there, little blog o' mine! I swear I've been doing things since last we spoke, writing even. :P There were a few times I even attempted journaling, however, since it didn't much pertain to writing or current projects I felt the need to keep the pleasure off my Serious Business blog. Let's just scratch that idea, shall we? Livejournal, I love you, bubby, but you keep toying with me. I guess I'll just do my thing here. :(

So, what's been up with me? Lots! Some of it not so fun. I had my two nephews since May to the beginning of July, I was in a sort of exile/house arrest because I finally was getting a new chair (yay!) but the loner they gave me kept me for doing anything outside my abode for a month (boo!) Finally received my shnazzy new chair (all terrain, mang!) But then I couldn't clear the door in my van. Got that fixed last week. Then I started feeling wonky and went to the doctor. Turns out I had a severe UTI. Woo!

No... I am not even making any of this shit up.

This summer has been dumb, plain and simple. I've barely felt inspired, let alone the drive to write. I have done a little, but really I've given more energy to not going insane. I am hoping the remaining summer and the blessed coming of fall bears more fruit. Juicy, juicy fruit of labour.
