The Bauble Pile

This is Lale Baize aka Coco Reed, writer and once co-author of Gamble with Fate. As of now, this is the first step to putting my goodies back online. Stay for a bit and enjoy what you find.

Just Say, "Yo!"


I'm not doing NaNoWriMo. What I will be doing is something I like to call, "I Am Going to Work on Every Damn Story I Have Unfinished!!!!11" Catchy huh? This is a grab-bag of a whole bunch of pieces, containing COB all the way to the nearly-finished-but-I-gave-up Whore Academy. It won't, however, include any tidbit that belongs to the realm of fan fiction. So I have the remainder of this month to get so many things worked along further or even finished. It's awesome and I'm having fun.

Oh! I am going to try and post a few bits and baubs that are basically short stories and drabbly companion pieces. That Tovin story I asked readers about? I have a solid idea now and am going to finally see about putting it to word. The latest from Lyre Westreach? Almost in the bag.


All the Leaves are Brown--All the Leaves are Broooooooown!


Whoa, Tylonal PM don't joke around. I'm gonna make this quick before I start drooling all over my keyboard.

It's official. Calling of Blood, aka An Indigo Feather, reached 100,000 words.

I am so excited and happy about that, you don't even know. Granted, I am still editing, so I will be cutting, but I am adding as well so it's gonna be still over 100k by the time it's Ready For Real.

Gah. Yeah. I am happy.



So, I haven't updated this since, what, August? My bad, guys, my bad. I have not been idle though. I've been trying to keep busy and write. Sometimes I'm ultra successful, and other times I play Sims... I really should try and keep up with journaling, It does help me get in the mood. I'm just so used to thinking this thing is only for the Serious Biz.

Oh, speaking of, I figured out why LJ won't work. I Googled it even. Apparently, Hughes Net is known for not being able to handle Live Journal. It is one of a few sites, if not the only one, that this provider simply cannot access. It basically locks you out of your profile. Seriously.

Yeah, so there's that.

Oh, also, HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is one of my favorite, if not most favorite, times of the year. Hope everyone has a safe and happy time tonight. OMG, there's even a full moon!

Writing is coming along well, but I think I'll wait until tomorrow or so to go into all that. This post was mainly to serve as a check-in. Know that something awesome has occurred with COB and I will tell you guys soon. No, it's not getting published. I'm still hacking away and fleshing it out as we speak, but it's still a pretty awesome it of news (well, it is to me.)


Runnin' Just as Fast as We Can


So I've been looking over COB and it appears I have added nearly 4,000 words of new content. More should be coming along soon. Recently I've just been chopping and spell-checking. It's moving smoothly along though. Can't wait to get it all done and ready for query. Part of me is also impatient and wants to share, but I got to stop posting full manuscripts on the net. Speaking of, AIF should be coming down soon on AFF. Just, you know, a warning. I told ya last time and I still got a few emails asking where it was on Fic Press. Let that be a warning to you cupcakes*. If you want to read it, hurry it up. :)

I will say that I am also playing around with some ideas, just for fun, and those might totally show up on Coco's profiles. Keep a look-out, if you are so inclined.


*No. No I wasn't watching Adventure Time while updating this...

All Right, Well, I Guess I'll Put My Things Here...


Hey there, little blog o' mine! I swear I've been doing things since last we spoke, writing even. :P There were a few times I even attempted journaling, however, since it didn't much pertain to writing or current projects I felt the need to keep the pleasure off my Serious Business blog. Let's just scratch that idea, shall we? Livejournal, I love you, bubby, but you keep toying with me. I guess I'll just do my thing here. :(

So, what's been up with me? Lots! Some of it not so fun. I had my two nephews since May to the beginning of July, I was in a sort of exile/house arrest because I finally was getting a new chair (yay!) but the loner they gave me kept me for doing anything outside my abode for a month (boo!) Finally received my shnazzy new chair (all terrain, mang!) But then I couldn't clear the door in my van. Got that fixed last week. Then I started feeling wonky and went to the doctor. Turns out I had a severe UTI. Woo!

No... I am not even making any of this shit up.

This summer has been dumb, plain and simple. I've barely felt inspired, let alone the drive to write. I have done a little, but really I've given more energy to not going insane. I am hoping the remaining summer and the blessed coming of fall bears more fruit. Juicy, juicy fruit of labour.


Happy May!



So some of you may, or may not, have noticed AIF is down from Fiction Press. It's been a long time coming. The story is still up on but probably not for much longer. I've been playing around with some ideas for little stories set between book one and two. I'll post these on one of the sites, most likely Perhaps I'll even post a snippet of COB. I was thinking one of the new scenes with Lu'Bella. She has more to do in the story, more depth I think.


What's Up, Good-Lookin'?


Finishing COB? Yeah... I'll do it on the night... Oh! But I did take care of that pesky hetero-impotence! You won't believe it, but I totally got back into that vibe by basically writing fan fiction. *accomplished grin* I think it was because I didn't have to try and get into the head of an original character. I already knew their motivations and what now. Not wasting brain power made it easier to play with emotions and scenarios.

I have done a bit more with COB. It's been awesome adding and cutting. I feel good about the changes. I was thinking sometime I'll put a snippet of a new scene up here and show you guys.

I've thought of some awesome ideas. And when I say that, I mean awe-some. Hopefully I can write up some scenarios soon that go along with it.

This was just to check in. 


An Odd Thing


I have yet to post the new short story. If you follow my paper trail at all you won't be surprised by this admission as it is not on Fiction Press or Adult Fan Fiction. I still plan to share since I don't think anyone online really knows my "Heather" work (aka the hetero stuff haha.) The reason it's not up yet is because I'm not satisfied with it. Yes, I know this is just a blurb from a bigger universe and most likely won't even be in the larger work, but still...

I've come to some startling revelations about myself. I think I have "lost" my connection to hetero characters. Give me asexual and homosexual any day but try hetero? I sometimes find myself at a loss now for what these characters might think and feel when being intimate or pursuing a love interest. It's all very strange. It's not like I am a heterophobe, believe me, that's not the case at all *lecherous grin* but when it comes to romantic elements in writing, and it is between men and women, I seem to be all hands. A curious situation. I am blaming some current trends in literature. Every time I read something now it seems I roll my eyes or am left deeply unsatisfied by those elements. It makes me not want to do it in my own writing. Does that make sense? Probably not, but there you are.

We're Moving Right Along


As far as COB goes, it's going rather well. I've written close to 1000 words of new content, cut and changed  certain details. I'm only 100 pages or so into the novel, so many great things are still to come. There's even a new character thrown in, not a main character, he supplements a few things that needed to be addressed but were forgotten the first time around.

I am also working on a new short story, just for fun. It's practically writing itself so it might even be done today. If so, it'll be on Coco Reed's accounts. Look for "No King for the Crown" if you want something new to read and you're not one of those weird people that has an aversion to hetero stories...

Well, it's not Nothing


I've got to try and remember to add dates to these entries, because the maker of this lovely template felt the need to leave them out. Anyway...

From this moment on, I hope, all references to "An Indigo Feather" will now be "The Calling of Blood," or COB, respectively. Honestly, I don't know why a reasonable title eluded me for so long. I like to think this title makes a lot more sense than the last. With the whole Changing and multiple references and significance of blood and all...

Woo! So that's done. :)

It May Seem Silent

So, AIF is completed on Fiction Press and Adult Fan Fiction. Now what?

Well, I will finish uploading the two other Lyre stories and I think I'll throw the Narcissus story up there as well, just for the fun of it. Meanwhile, I will be editing and querying. It might seem like I drop off the face of the Internet, but I assure you, I'll be here. Whenever I have some breaking news, I'll be sure to post. If you're more curious than that you can check out my non-writer blog on Live Journal, my name is socky_mojo there. Should warn you though, I've had to up security on that and now it's friends-only. Or it should be... Check it, if you care to:

Wow, apparently someone does read this! :) Yes, there are sequels planned and new ideas to be made. Stick around!

Too Much on My Plate?

Actually, I like to think that the plate is just too small for what I got going on.

So I've gone and thought of more ideas for stories, stories that will need serious thought and research. Have I finished my other projects? Nooooooo. Why would I do that? Where's the fun in that? However, this has given me new bursts of energy to do that much more editing when I want to stop for the day and level my blood elf death knight.* I've been reading a lot lately. Not just "research" either; neat reference, history and how-tos. The how-tos kind of amuse me (a whole little segment telling me to first and foremost figure out my setting and characters lolrly? thanks I guess I'm on the right track... ^_^), but they do kind of also help get my juices flowing. Oh, oh and my friend gave me a book on cryptography for Christmas. Be prepared, people, be prepared!

*I'm not kidding. I have one of those, currently at 79. So close and yet so far!