The Bauble Pile

This is Lale Baize aka Coco Reed, writer and once co-author of Gamble with Fate. As of now, this is the first step to putting my goodies back online. Stay for a bit and enjoy what you find.

Real Life Crazy Times, Progress and Writing Amnesia--Oh My!


So much has been happening since last I wrote. What was it, the end of April? Well, May started off normally, however... It's not really a big secret that I'm from Oklahoma so I'll just say May ended in chaos for those that have been following the news or are familiar with the term "Tornado Alley." Thankfully, I wasn't directly affected by the destruction but it hit pretty close and many friends and family weren't so lucky. Then I found out I will get to move back to my old house. Huzzah! You guys don't even know how happy that makes me, well maybe you do if you have had the pleasure of reading my rants on LJ. :p The bad news in all of that is that the tenants who were renting my house completely trashed it. Like, thoroughly turned my sweet home into a crackhouse--broken windows and all. Also, they wouldn't leave. They stayed the whole month of June (without paying rent) and a week of July. We've spent the remaining month trying to clean up their filth and get rid of the flea infestation they caused. It sucked, but the house looks so much better than it did.

Through this all I have been editing, cutting, pasting and rewriting. Also, I have been reading quite a bit. Most of what I've read has helped in the way of what I won't be doing with my own style. :) I'm really excited about the new bits and baubs that are added in now. Monista is so delightfully rounded. Killius has more to do, and I think that will make an even greater impact on readers once that thing happens. I've also been having fun editing out all the superfluous details and imagery. We really don't need to know every single facial expression. Once or twice is fine, but we don't need to be reminded of the color of this character's eyes, do we? That's the fan fic writer in me wanting to overdo it. People who write fan fic yet also are familiar with original works will know what I mean.

I keep experiencing what I like to call "writing amnesia." This is when one looks back over certain things they've written and finds something they added once while editing and think, "Wow, did I write that?" So far, it's mostly been in a good way. I'll go back and see new dialogue I put in for Lu'Bella and the flow of the scene is just so much better, or the completely new scene makes everything more interesting.

I have received over time a few lj messages saying they were recommended AIF through the Slash Pile community and what my plans are for the story. Sorry you missed it the first time, but I am planning on releasing the story again. Just a better version of it. The only other thing I can say is, check here or my lj once in a while to see what I'm doing if you're still interested in my works.