The Bauble Pile

This is Lale Baize aka Coco Reed, writer and once co-author of Gamble with Fate. As of now, this is the first step to putting my goodies back online. Stay for a bit and enjoy what you find.

Huzzah and Oh, Happy Day!

If you haven't noticed, I've made a few changes. I almost gave up. This has a lame set-up. But I persevered and now this place is getting shnazzy! Maybe even someday it'll be as sparkly and awesome as Kim Hyun Joong--

So, as far as writing goes:
~ "A Shaky Peace" (the superhero romance) was too short to make the cut for the "anthology." It seriously is a novella. I'm going to send it anyway and see if anyone wants to make something of it. I hope so, because it's still an awesome idea.
~ I'm going to pull stories from Fiction Press soon. And I mean like yesterday. Why? Well, because I may have found a place that will take some of my harder work. *coughs*Blood Red Storm*coughs*
~ I've had more ideas. This shit's about to go off.

Word on the Latest

Is that title redundant? Meh, nevermind.

So anyways, it doesn't seem like a significant chunk, but the superhero idea is moving right along. I am a little perplexed though. The publishing place says this is going to be for an anthology come spring 2012, but the word count is 25,000 to 30,000 for the novellas. That's a big novella. Might as well just say they're novels. So I looked again on the page and it says these novellas will be released as ebooks and then in print a year later. If they're stand-alone, how is that an anthology? Well, I don't know... I'm just worried that this last bit of writing it needs won't break the minimum. If that's the case I'll work on it a bit more and try again, but not for a collection.

That's where I'm at right now. Exciting, eh?

Yay for Being Productive!

I'm trying to finish a novella for the as-of-now-untitled superhero romance anthology for Samhain Publishing. It's due by September 1st but I have completed the entire outline of the story and the main character backgrounds. Also, I am 5 pages in so it's coming right along. I hope to be done with this at least by Sunday so I can start chopping it up. Maybe SP will be into it. Who knows? But it's worth a shot.

They should like it. I've come up with a pretty BA story, if I do say so myself. Plus, it's not just a superhero story, it's a gay superhero story. Woot!

The Good Guys and the Bad Guys

In my searchings for The Place to submit some of my works, I came across one that seems like a winner at the moment. If they'll have me. *crosses fingers* Anyway, this place has a few rules like any other but one of them had me pulling back a bit. Every story must end happy or happy-for-now. My instincts were to recoil and look for somewhere else. Happy ending? Psh! But then I started thinking that yes I love when characters don't get everything handed to them or there are trials they have to go through, but I guess I do write a lot of happy endings it's just hell getting there.

I started thinking about the ideas I really love and why. Most of them don't end happily. But, to me, it couldn't have ended any other way. However, some of them would have been better if they would have ended a tad happy. I think a few stories would have been more gratifying if they had ended happier. I'll keep this in mind. But don't hold your breath. I still have CreateSpace. :P