The Bauble Pile

This is Lale Baize aka Coco Reed, writer and once co-author of Gamble with Fate. As of now, this is the first step to putting my goodies back online. Stay for a bit and enjoy what you find.

Inside the Writer's Head #3


Just for fun, I am going to answer questions from a meme and various other things sent to me via my little writing segment.

Inside The Writer's Head #3 – Taking Requests

Those of you reading this who dabble in fan fiction will understand the idea of prompts, or requests. When someone, a reader or another writer, asks you to write something with an idea they give you is such a thing. It can be anything. Any form. Any style. Any length. Unless, of course, the person who gave you the prompt states otherwise.

The longest piece I ever wrote was a novel. A friend wanted a romance between two male characters. As a birthday present. It was challenging because this would be the first time I ever wrote anything focusing on two men in a romantic relationship. And this would be the first (and only so far) time I would write a straight-up romance. I'm not a big fan of the genre but my friend is. It was a challenge, but fun. It's not my best. It's ridiculous and melodramatic and buried somewhere deep in the recesses of my computer. :) It was the second novel I ever wrote and one can see in my style how much I didn't know about writing. Honestly, I don't think my friend even read it after all that. So, that's not the happiest writing story, but there you are.

My favorite piece I did for a prompt was when I still wrote for Gamble With Fate. For a week or so we had been super stoked that our small, seemingly unknown site was about to reach 50,000 visits. The people who would not only read but leave us messages and joined our message board were told that if they happened to be our 50,000th visitor the writer of their choice would gift them with a short story. Anything they wanted. We had two people to win and it worked out because one wanted a story from Lacy Grey while the other wanted one from me. My prompt was an adaptation of the Narcissus myth. I had so much fun with it! And I got to play around with mythology, one of my most favorite things to do.

I haven't done a request story in a long time. I'm not opposed to it, just haven't really been into any fandoms far enough to get the request. And I've been hacking away at the last edition of “Calling of Blood” before it, hopefully, is ready to send out into the world.