The Bauble Pile

This is Lale Baize aka Coco Reed, writer and once co-author of Gamble with Fate. As of now, this is the first step to putting my goodies back online. Stay for a bit and enjoy what you find.

Taking Care of Business


It's been a while since I actually worked on a manuscript. Like, really worked on it. It's fun. I missed doing this. Mayhaps my soul is no longer constipated! Without starting on the serious business of cutting and chopping, I have about 100,000 words written. Probably more. I'm too scared to check. I'm looking to chop a few thousand from that once I bang out the rest of this part of the edition.

Yay for productivity!

New Year Ponderings


The last few months, or whenever it was the last I wrote, have been crazy and weird and sad and overwhelming at times.

I had a birthday. A beloved family member passed away. And in between all that I've barely written more than a grocery list.

I hope this isn't how the rest of the year is flavored. I'm very under-motivated. All my projects seem uninteresting. I am hopeful though. The past two weeks I was at my parents' house. With my four niblings. So that could account for my lack of enthusiasm for anything other than sleep and comfy socks. And I was eating my parents' cooking. Maybe a good detox is in order? Who can say.

I promise I'll be getting back into the swing of being productive.