The Bauble Pile

This is Lale Baize aka Coco Reed, writer and once co-author of Gamble with Fate. As of now, this is the first step to putting my goodies back online. Stay for a bit and enjoy what you find.

Well, it's not Nothing


I've got to try and remember to add dates to these entries, because the maker of this lovely template felt the need to leave them out. Anyway...

From this moment on, I hope, all references to "An Indigo Feather" will now be "The Calling of Blood," or COB, respectively. Honestly, I don't know why a reasonable title eluded me for so long. I like to think this title makes a lot more sense than the last. With the whole Changing and multiple references and significance of blood and all...

Woo! So that's done. :)

It May Seem Silent

So, AIF is completed on Fiction Press and Adult Fan Fiction. Now what?

Well, I will finish uploading the two other Lyre stories and I think I'll throw the Narcissus story up there as well, just for the fun of it. Meanwhile, I will be editing and querying. It might seem like I drop off the face of the Internet, but I assure you, I'll be here. Whenever I have some breaking news, I'll be sure to post. If you're more curious than that you can check out my non-writer blog on Live Journal, my name is socky_mojo there. Should warn you though, I've had to up security on that and now it's friends-only. Or it should be... Check it, if you care to:

Wow, apparently someone does read this! :) Yes, there are sequels planned and new ideas to be made. Stick around!

Too Much on My Plate?

Actually, I like to think that the plate is just too small for what I got going on.

So I've gone and thought of more ideas for stories, stories that will need serious thought and research. Have I finished my other projects? Nooooooo. Why would I do that? Where's the fun in that? However, this has given me new bursts of energy to do that much more editing when I want to stop for the day and level my blood elf death knight.* I've been reading a lot lately. Not just "research" either; neat reference, history and how-tos. The how-tos kind of amuse me (a whole little segment telling me to first and foremost figure out my setting and characters lolrly? thanks I guess I'm on the right track... ^_^), but they do kind of also help get my juices flowing. Oh, oh and my friend gave me a book on cryptography for Christmas. Be prepared, people, be prepared!

*I'm not kidding. I have one of those, currently at 79. So close and yet so far!