The Bauble Pile

This is Lale Baize aka Coco Reed, writer and once co-author of Gamble with Fate. As of now, this is the first step to putting my goodies back online. Stay for a bit and enjoy what you find.

Calling of Blood


As stated previously, "Calling of Blood" is officially available for sale!

I know, I know. I just didn't think that an oily torso was the way to go for this book. :)

For those of you just passing through, or can't really remember what the first version, "An Indigo Feather," was about, here's the basic jist: This is, essentially, an M/M Sci-fi/Fantasy. I want to go further and tell you right now, it's M/M in the loosest sense. Some characters use he/him/his pronouns or she/her/hers but, honestly, that's for the reader's ease. A lot of the characters are hermaphrodites. There are a lot of characters that use they/them/theirs pronouns. Some characters are very fluid and their identities shift by whoever is describing them. This story explores a lot of themes on sexuality. There are a lot of themes of disability. 

If I could compare it to another author/s, I'd say Storm Constantine or Ursula K le Guin. 

The world of "Calling of Blood" is vast, hinting at histories spanning thousands of years. I love folklore, so I played around with the mythology of this world.

There are sex scenes but apparently nothing too graphic or frequent as, years ago, Loose Id was interested but only if I added more sex.

Essentially, if you like Science Fiction or Fantasy that spans about 443 pages, explores everything from sexuality to politics to disability, that has diverse characters and is all wrapped up in an M/M story, you might be interested in "Calling of Blood."

If you have any questions, feel free to ask.

***cross-posted on Tumblr.


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